Creating a customized welcome message is a great way to welcome users to your company’s Learn-Wise Site in a more personal way. Learn-Wise Go allows several customization options for the user’s dashboard welcome message.
To customize the welcome message:
Select Settings > Welcome Message
Four ways to display a welcome message:
- Uploading an image (NOTE: preferable dimensions are 700 x 380)
- Video
- HTML code
Click on the drop-down menu under Welcome Note Type:
1. To upload an image:
Click “Upload” (to choose an image for the welcome message)
To customize a text message:
Type the text of the message into the box under “Message”
To customize the language of a text:
Click drop down menu under “Language”
Note: the language customization option allow you to create custom welcome messages in each system language. Users will see the welcome message in the language they select at login. Each language is a blank template until it is customized. Example, if you provide a German language message, only user who use the system in German will see that message. If a user chooses French, they will not see any welcome message unless a message is created for the French template.
2. To upload a video:
Click “Upload” (to choose a video for the welcome message)
Note: the video must be less than 20 MB
3.To upload a HTML code:
To make the HTML fit into the widget and avoid scaling issues set style min-height 100% and min-width 100% on the parent div of the content.
Set height 100% and width 100% on the iframe tag.
Example: -
<div style=” min-height:100%; min-width:100%”>
<h1 style=” margin:0;”>Welcome</h1>
I have added the min-height and min-width to the parent div and by default h1 tags will display margin, so update the margin to 0 to avoid spacing on top.
Copy & paste the HTML code into the text box
4. To upload URL:
We support:
- Image – 380x700
- Video
- Word document/PDF
- URL of a site
Note: the content of the URL/ videos must be less than 15mb.
a. Image URL – 380x700 :
The image URL should be the direct link to the Image - when you load the URL in the browser it should directly show the image.
B. Video :
The video can be a direct link to the video, or a YouTube video, or it can be from the other open-source sites. YouTube does not allow direct embedding of the URL from the browser; YouTube provides an Embedded URL in the share section.
Scaling is not applicable for YouTube video embedded URL.
If we need to scale, then you must download the YouTube video and upload it to some CDN (Content Delivery Network) provider like the below image. We must upload the downloaded video into CDN and get the URL.
To avoid scaling issues :
- Set style min-height 100% and min-width 100% on the parent div of the content.
- Set height 100% and width 100% on the iframe tag.
<iframe width="100%" height="100%" src="" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" allowfullscreen></iframe>
C. Word document and PDF:
The URL should have access to the public to embed into our site otherwise it will throw an error- access denied.
We can also check this in Chrome by following the steps below.
Open any browser.
Go to incognito mode and paste the URL of the file.
Check if the file loads without any error or access denied message.
If the word document or pdf loads without any error, it can be used in our application welcome message of type welcome URL.
D. URL of a site:
To embed the URL of the site into in welcome message of type welcome URL, check whether the site allows to embed its site into other sites.
Please follow the below steps to check:
Open browser and open the inspect mode (Developer tools) and navigate to the Network tab.
Paste the URL of the site into the search bar of the browser.
Check the first request header and check the x-frame-options.
If the x-frame-option is SAMEORGIN or DENY you will not be able to embed the site into LWGo
Application since the site is restricted from embedding to another site.
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